In this session the panelist will set the stage by discussing the Agricultural Improvement Act, more commonly known as the Farm Bill; specifically, the watershed moment in 2018 where industrial hemp was provided a federally legal pathway. The panel will discuss the unintended consequences created by the definition and function of weight allowance for delta-9 THC and its application to manufactured hemp derived products. The impacts of the definition on the hemp industry, the regulated marijuana industry and overall public health.
Learn about the hemp-derived Minnesota Model and how it is viewed as a preview to what will happen on the federal level. As goes Minnesota, so goes the rest of the nation? Join local and national speakers for their analysis and predictions, who will also discuss novel/intoxicating hemp-derived cannabinoids and their regulation under both state and federal law, including Delta-8 THC, THC-O, and others.
The panel will focus on the regulations applicable to foodstuff in the US, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. In particular, we will discuss different regulations in connection to dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, advertisement and further challenging issues for the industry, to later focus on the approach that these regulations have regarding the use of hemp in foodstuff products and future challenges in this regard.
The franchise business model offers hemp business owners the opportunity to grow their brand nationally while reducing their startup and operational costs. It offers prospective hemp franchisees the chance to own their own business while benefiting from an established brand and operational system. But a poorly created franchise system or an “accidental” franchise, can expose hemp businesses to the risk of regulatory investigation, litigation, and the loss of key IP such as trademarks and trade secrets. Conflicting state regulations and the lack of significant federal guidance makes franchising a hemp business even more complex.
Evolving cannabis product risks have the potential to result in enormous future liability for which cannabis and hemp companies are currently unprepared. This session will clarify those risks and discuss how embracing a mix of legal reform, policy changes and adoption of traditional risk management principles may prevent future product risk issues from damaging market sustainability.
This program will address current trends in cannabis securities litigation. Participants can expect to receive information on a variety of cannabis-related securities cases, including the most recent of such cases, which was filed in April 2022. Participants will learn about the current strategies taken in securities actions through cases at varying stages of litigation.
Upon completion of this program, participants should expect to be able to identify common causes of action levied against cannabis-related entities and strategies those entities can implement to mitigate risk.
Please join Shane Pennington (Counsel, Vicente LLP) as he discusses various aspects of Impact Litigation & the Changing Terrain in the legal cannabis market. This course’s topics will include: the current state of play, historical precedent that got us into the situation we are in today, and what the future may hold.