Discover potential conflicts related to Federal agencies for marketers of Cannabis products, from limitations on intellectual property protection to agency enforcement action to litigation.
Jeena Cho will cover resilience, work/life integration, and wellness in the workplace. Her area of expertise includes women’s issues, diversity, wellness, productivity, mindfulness, and meditation. Richard Carlton will be covering substance abuse and depression disorders. He will dive into the relation between practicing law and the mentality necessary to "succeed" at practicing law.
Panelists will discuss how cannabis use and substance abuse issues can interfere with an attorney’s competence obligations, and mandatory reporting requirements.
Of all white collar professionals in the United States, alcoholism and depression are most common among lawyers. And we serve an industry that makes an intoxicant more widely available than it has ever historically been. So, what does that mean for our own mental health and our own battles with substance abuse.
Hear from the panel about what “also advise” means in practice, including what federal laws are considered “related,” how to determine if federal law “conflicts” with what your client seeks to do, and how to ensure you have adequately advised your client to comply with the new Rule 1.2 provision.