Global Cannabis Intellectual Property Symposium 2023 session: Ethics: Balancing Activism and Zealous Advocacy with the Boundaries of the Profession and Evolving Law
Global Cannabis Intellectual Property Symposium 2023 session: IP Litigation and Administrative Proceedings: A Global Overview of Managing Cannabis Conflicts
INCBA Global Cannabis Intellectual Property Symposium 2023 session: Cannabis Patents and Plant Variety Rights - Things to Know and Challenges Unique to the Cannabis Industry
Medical Cannabis: Overview of Emerging Legal Issues and their Impact on the International Market. The international panel of experts will notably discuss the differences in regulations between medical cannabis and pharmaceutical cannabis, how IP is becoming an essential topic with pharmaceutical cannabis medicines, and how it could also impact medical cannabis in the short run.
From patents and plant breeder’s rights, to trademarks and trade secrets, participants will learn how to approach the evolving practice of cannabis IP across several illustrative jurisdictions including Germany, Canada and the United States.
This session will provide you with practice and practical advice on how to conduct due diligence on an IP portfolio in various types of transactions. The panel will identify top diligence issues so you can spot them in the next transaction you handle, and we'll discuss how to address them.
Most lawyers dream of having many clients seeking their services no matter how problematic. Our panelists debate how to manage conflicts of interest during competitive licensing and applications.